Local Business Search Ads

Are you in need of getting your local business in the top search for all major online search engines?  Magi Agency LLC can come in focus on the pain like:




Company Verification

Client Trust




See Below Magi Agency LLC's offering for your business!



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"Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them." 



— William Arthur Ward





Local business digital marketing is crucial for attracting and retaining customers in today's digital age.




Magi Agency LLC is offering the only complete total search package that will get your local business ranked in search engines; creating more online visibility. 


MNM - 3 Pack SEO implementing "Near Me" features to get Top 3 ranking on search engines

SBO - Search Box Optimization 

LSA  - Google Local Search Ads



This is the only complete package your local business needs.  All done for you system that you only pay when you get results




Keep Scrolling pricing below




Before the offer, understanding more about local digital Marketing,


Local business digital marketing is crucial for attracting and retaining customers in today's digital age. Here are some other strategies and tips from Magi Agency LLC can provide for effective local business digital marketing:



Optimize Website for Local Search:


Ensure your website is optimized for local search with relevant keywords, location-based meta tags, and a clear description of your products or services.
Include your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website, and make sure it matches the information on local directories.

Google My Business (GMB) Optimization:

Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing. Provide accurate business information, including your address, phone number, business hours, and website.
Encourage customers to leave reviews on your GMB page, as positive reviews can improve your local search ranking.

Local SEO:

Implement local SEO strategies, such as creating location-specific content, obtaining local backlinks, and ensuring your business is listed in relevant local directories.  Use location-based keywords in your content, meta descriptions, and headers to improve local search visibility.

Social Media Marketing:

Utilize social media platforms to engage with your local audience. Share updates, promotions, and behind-the-scenes content to build a sense of community.  Run targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach local customers based on demographics and interests.

Local Content Marketing:

Create content that is relevant to your local audience. This could include blog posts, videos, or infographics about local events, news, or community involvement.  Collaborate with other local businesses or influencers to expand your reach.

Email Marketing:

Build and maintain an email list of local customers. Send out newsletters with updates, promotions, and exclusive offers to keep them engaged.
Personalize emails based on customer preferences and behavior.

Mobile Optimization:

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as many local searches are conducted on mobile devices.
Consider implementing location-based mobile advertising to target users in specific geographic areas.

Local Partnerships:

Collaborate with other local businesses for cross-promotions or joint marketing efforts.
Sponsor local events or sports teams to increase brand visibility in the community.

Online Advertising:

Use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on platforms like Google Ads to target local customers actively searching for your products or services.
Geo-target your ads to ensure they are shown to users in your local area.

Monitor and Analyze:

Regularly track the performance of your digital marketing efforts using tools like Google Analytics.
Analyze customer behavior, website traffic, and the effectiveness of different marketing channels to make data-driven decisions.
By combining these strategies, local businesses can create a strong online presence, connect with their community, and attract local customers.



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"Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent."



 — Nolan Ryan




Magi Agency LLC Offering:




Magi Agency LLC is offering the only complete total search package you business needs. 


Here is the cool thing, you do not pay unless your Rank!  This is a No Brainer!


What does this package include:



SEO - Search Engine Optimization:  


A local SEO 3-pack is the listing of three businesses you see first in the search results when searching for terms using keywords like “near me” or “near [Location].” When you conduct a search for a local business, Google generates a list of potential businesses that fit your search query. The first things you’ll see are the three Google Business Profile listings.


Our goal here is to get you ranked on page #1 


Some of the features Magi Agency LLC will do for your business:


Pre-Audit                                                          Custom Blog Publication                                       Robots txt Creation & Implementation

Keyword Research                                          Onsite Rocommendation Creation                     XML Site Creation & Implementation

SEO Onboarding                                              Onsite Recommendation Implementation       Canonical Tag Implementation

Monthly Campaign Update                            Standard Onsite Copy Creation                          Google Local Business Citation

Business Directories                                        Menu Edits                                                             Local Business Citation Subscription

Website Bookmarking                                     Remove Excess H1 Tags                                      301 Redirect Mapping & Implementation

Classified Business Listing                              Web Page Creation / Depletion                          Insert Nofollow Tags into Onsite Links

Article Engagement                                          Google Analytics Setup                                       Onsite Broken Link Repair

Google Search Console Setup                        Site Speed  Optimization                                    Standard Onsite Blog Post

Age Articles Inclusion


SBO - Search Box Optimization:


Autocomplete- allows you to be in the auto-complete for Google, YouTube and Bing.  Your customers see you first and bypass your competition.  If you are looking for a huge advantage over your competition, then find the best keyword phrases in your industry and have exclusive rights to those keyword phrase.  As some one starts to type your industry phase; your business takes over the page.  Get Exclusive Rights to keywords before they are gone!



Google Local Search Ads:


We will get your business qualify for Local Service Ads, you can get calls from qualified potential clients, and only pay when you talk with the lead.  With Google Local Service Ads (LSA) and our unique service, you can get ENDORSED, VERIFIED and TRUSTED STAMP by Google, show up on top of the search results, and only pay when you get a qualified call!   What makes us different is we will screen and qualify the lead and if the lead is bad we will dispute the lead saving you thousands of dollars.  You pick the amount of leads you want!  We will deliver. 



Here is a link to an Ebook written by Randy Forrester:


Mastering Google Guarantee, Google Screened and Google Licensed Verified: A comprehensive guide to boosting your online reputation and business




This is the only complete package your local business needs.  All done for you system that you only pay when you get results!




There is a one time fee for setup after that pricing is based on preformance; set up a meeting to go over in more detail.  


Your complete package Includes exclusive rights to Keywords for both SEO 3-Pack and SBO, you own them they are yours. No one else can own them. Limited number of keywords may be available depending on your industry.


You will get for 7 keywords for SEO 3 Pack “Near Me” feature the total cost 


Each time you rank you are charged a one time cost 


**Ask for additional keyword pricing


For 1 keyword / phase SBO the cost is for exclusive rights to keyword / phase

For example 1 keyword / phrase would be “Lawyer Charlotte, NC”    Get Exclusive Rights Now!


Each time you rank you are charged a one time cost 


**Ask for additional keyword pricing


Google Local Service Ad is a one time setup fee

Recurring Fee: Google Local Service Ad (We will qualify the leads and dispute)


Here is where Magi Agency LLC will fill out the appropriate documents to get your company Google Guaranteed and or Google Verified. This allows future clients see that you are a trusted company which helps in optimization and sales.



For SEO and SBO One Time Setup Fee:  



For SEO, SBO and Google Guaranteed/Verified One Time Setup Fee:



Recurring Fee:  Google Local Service Ad (We will qualify the leads and dispute on your behalf saving you $1000 of dollars on just leads)

You only pay for SEO 3 Pack and SBO if you rank 



Other tools Magi Agency LLC provides for Optimization:



Google PPC


and more...


Have Questions?




“Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin, and inspiration will find you.”



— H. Jackson Brown Jr.



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Randy to discuss result-


driven, cost effective

